Ohio workers hit lottery jackpot:
(CNN) -- Fourteen city workers and one retired city worker in the western Ohio town of Piqua claimed a $207 million 12-state lottery prize Wednesday. Lottery officials set the odds of 14 people still having a job in Piqua at about a million to one.
U.N. court convicts Bagosora for Rwanda:
NAIROBI (Reuters) – A U.N. court convicted former Ruwandan army colonel Theoneste Bagosora Thursday of genocide and sentenced him to jail for life. Before reading the sentence UN judge Gill T. Azell, verbally chasticed Bagorsora calling his crimes so hideous that even France sent troops against him. However prosecutor Hangum Byesbalz, rediculed the court saying " life imprisonment for crimes of genocide is further evidence that the U.N. just doesn't get it.
NAACP report find TV networks lagging in diversity.
LOS ANGELES – Nearly a decade after the NAACP condemned a "virtual whiteout" in broadcast TV, NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous (yes, that's his real name) said major networks have stalled in their efforts to further ethnic diversity on-screen and off. Jealous, who has the most fitting name for an NAACP President since Anita Hanout, says if the networks don't get racially integrated soon he will advise African Americans to stop stealing television sets.
Chrysler, GM revive merger talks, paper says
General Motors and Chrysler have reopened merger talks, with Chrysler's private owners signaling a willingness to give away part of its stake in the automaker, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, citing people familiar with the discussions. Merger talks between GM and Chrysler were suspended in early November after GM likened the merger to trying to save the Pygmy Elephant by mating them with sick Tigers.
On this date the liberty bell was cracked when Benjamin Franklin handed Chuck Norris a bottle of Champagne and insisted he perform the christening honors.
On this date the liberty bell was cracked when Benjamin Franklin handed Chuck Norris a bottle of Champagne and insisted he perform the christening honors.
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask who you can do for your country - Bill Clinton
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